Three people have died after an eighteen wheeler smashed into eighteen cars on the N2 North near Umgeni Road Durban. Reports from the scene indicate that a truck came hurling down the n2 towards Umgeni Road and collided with the light motor vehicles before veering off the road, smashing through the barriers on the left, and dragging two vehicles with him down the embankment coming to rest in a construction area.
Netcare 911 paramedic’s firemen, S A P S search and rescue and several ambulance services arrived at the scene and found the occupants of the one car still trapped in the twisted metal of the car that was wedged under the truck. They assessed all the injured and found that two people sustained serious injury while two escaped with minor injuries.
Firemen and rescue personnel started to use the Jaws of Life to free the people in the crumpled remains of the vehicle that was under the truck and soon had to use a heavy rescue crane to lift the truck from the wreckage. After hours of using the Jaws of Life they removed three people, two of them boys aged ten and eleven and an adult male tragically they all died on impact.
Reports indicate that they were on their way back from the Berg after spending the holidays there and were on the way to the Ballito area. [Photos Netcare 911]