[PINETOWN, KZN – 09 MAY 2012 AT 12H45]
A motorcyclist believed to be in his early thirties is in a serious condition after colliding with a motor vehicle at the intersection of Stapleton and East Street in Pinetown this afternoon.
ER24 arrived on the scene and found the motorcyclist in the road near to his bike and in a lot of pain. The motor vehicle was found just a few meters away from the scene. The paramedics accessed the patient and found that he had sustained a broken leg and broken arm. They also suspected neck and back injuries. Advanced life Support intervention was performed on the patient before he was transported to a nearby hospital for further medical intervention. The driver of the motor vehicle was unharmed in the accident.
Traffic was severely affected in the area due to the collision as East Street had to be closed while paramedics stabilised the motorcyclist. The necessary authorities were on the scene and would investigate the accident further.
Derrick Banks, ER24
View also: Motorcyclists must respect traffic lanes
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